The VRC6 chip has two square wave channels and one sawtooth wave channel. This chip was used in games as Akumajou Densetsu and Madara by Konami.
Pulse 1 and 2
Produces pulse waves like the internal channels, but have eight different duty settings and lacks hardware sweep. They can also go deeper in frequency.
Generates a sawtooth wave. This channel has no duty functionalty but still uses that instrument setting to calculate the volume since the volume register is larger than 4 bits (0 - 15), one bit from the duty setting is used to form a 5-bit volume value. A volume level too high causes the wave to wrap around and will sound distorted (happens when duty = 1 and volume > 5), so the useful volume range is usually 0 - 15 anyway.
Instruments are specific for VRC6 but behaves much like those for 2A03, except that 8 duty levels are available and has no DPCM tab.
See 2A03 instruments for more information.